Saturday, October 6, 2012

Check your email for details!
We're almost there!  Cronie let me log on and almost everything works!!  He's still got a few things to do, and he'll be sending an email to everyone.

He thinks the new host is a little faster, and so do I!

Cronie's been working on this nonstop for 2 days, and we all owe him.   We're going home!
We have a new host! 

Cronie has selected a new host for the server, and is currently working on configuring plugins and so forth.  It is impossible to predict exactly when the server will go live, but this is major progress!  I gather that he has been working on this pretty much all the time for the last two days.

I recently started a simple bukkit survival server for my kid following (most of whom are not, at this point, grandchildren, but a bunch I've collected over the last almost 2 years of running a kid server) and I can testify that even at the very simple level I'm working with (ONE plugin so far) this is a pretty complicated job.  The complexity increases exponentially the more plugins you have.  This stuff is NOT user-friendly.  I believe that digstraightdown had something like 20 plugins.  Luckily Cronie is a lot smarter than I am.

We're not there yet, but Cronie has brought us within sight of the goal. 
I see that our map url now brings up a map.  It is not our map, it is someone else's, but this seems a hopeful sign to me.  It means that something or other is working at the host, even if not everything.

I haven't managed to contact Cronie yet to find out what he thinks of this.  I will post again later today.

At a minimum I'm hoping this means that we will be able to get our entire file back, up to the time of the crash.  This remains a hope, however, not a certainty. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Just talked to Cronie, 5:16 PM California time.  He's corresponding with several potential hosts.  He says it's important to make a good choice. 

While it is important to get the server up, it's also important to do it right.  I'll continue to update!
Hi guys, have to run off and do something, back later.  Feel free to ask questions or offer opinions ("the former hosts are monsters" might be a good start lol) or just to talk.